It’s Friday 8 8 08

beres-beres, pindah-pindah, suasana baru, jadi buat ga jenuh, meski pindahannya tetep di ruangan yang sama, cuman geser meja doank sich, huehuehue . setidaknya ini merupaka salah satu wish yg tercapai, setelah 1 bulan dipikirkan en dibicarakan. talk about wish, dulu waktu jaman kull, one of my lecturer asked the student to make the our own wish. ga tanggung2, kita disuruh buat 100 wishes. ditungguin ampe selesai. 1-20 wishes masih semangat, tapi lama2 apalagi kalo dah 50 keatas dah bingung mau nulis apa, alhasil, wish yang kurang masuk akal pun ditulis, asal mencapai 100.

tapi bagus juga lho klo kita punya wish, setidaknya we know what we wana achieve or what to do to make our wish comes true. it gives us spirit to through our day. I can say like this coz of someone that always and at last realize me that in life we must have purpose. I was a kind person like that. I had a plan, dream, wish or whatever we called it, but somehow coz something I didnt believe with everything that I do or I wish. I gave it all to God, He has a greatest plan for my life.

Now its different, I have my own plan, I have my wish and I have purpose in my life, and trully believe He will help me through all my days. to achiece what He wants.

Chiayoooo keket!! GWU

have a nice weekend …

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